l e v e l 


latest up dates and progress report

This site still in beta

To days quest: 6/10/16
a beta tester unhappy launch-pad does nothing, to simple, boring.
but all 3 downloads work ok. Most  info pages need to be updated

To days quest: 6/01/16
hooray! The first launch-pad file ver .1 is up in doscity  ready to for downloads

To days quest: 5/28/16
added 3 info pages to the launch pad page to help explain the download better. so now at 13 pages

To days quest: 5/18/16
Big addition  changes to doscity.com now has 10 pages. A new working Feed back page. The down-loadable Beta Launch Pad package is nearly completed. Needs software added to the user folder and the programmer folder

To days quest: 5/12/16
Change snap shot page to a carousel display

To days quest: 5/2/16
E mail to be activated

To days quest: 4/10/16
Add members button
added some members text.

To days quest: 4/10/16
put two pictures to the  snap shot page
doscity.com now has 5 pages

To days quest: 3/20/16
Get files to be uploaded, up loaded.  Uploads are not working be cause the files that I wanted to use needs some going over. My friend Paul and others said,  “the startup pages look to busy/complicated/messy” So It will be several days cleaning them up.