l e v e l 


For members only.

As you know this site is in beta testing and not offishly open until some time in July. But the busy/complicated/messy start up version of the “Launch Pad” software for the your flash  drive is available now.


After you have seen how easy the USB Launch Pad works, you my want to setup your own web site similar to this one. you may want to redesign the Launch Pad add more games and other software not available on our site. Or you may have your favorite software that you want to share with the rest of the world  but no one uses floppies any more and windows emulators do not work all that well. and are a pain in the butt to install. Because the USB  Launch Pad flash drive has direct hardware access, (just like the old IBM  pc/xt/at computers)  your 16 bit software has a far better chance to work correctly.  After all that is how we do all of ours

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