L e v e l

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We are the other environment. Not windows, not Mac, not Linux. We use the older 16 bit DOS like files Why? It is easier than the 32/64 bit files. You say, “ my windows computer will not run the 16 bit stuff any more.” You would be right, but your computer (not running Windows) would be happy to do it! Most all of the computers in the “X86” family of CPU’s (This means most all desk top computers and many laptop computers) will run the Launch-Pad software. No special drivers are needed. no emulators, no special windows programs needed.  With  the launch pad software placed on a flash drive,  you just plug it in to your desk-top/lap-top and boot it up. When you are finished with it, unplug it and you are back to good old windows or what ever is on your hard drive system.
Note: show video

The Launch-Pad  is a 16 bit environment that is a totally self contained stand-alone file system needing no help from any outside file system.

If need be, the full “up and running” Launch-Pad can completely rebuild or make improvements to all (100 %) of it’s files including it’s own operating system. It can rebuild or make changes to many other apps., or just start fresh and build new software from the ground up.

To do this, you only need to use one standard assembler and one standard compiler. These are included on the launch-pad.

Most all software on the Launch-Pad is free and is covered by the GNU, GPL,  MIT licenses, etc. You may use the software for life and modify it as needed, but you do not own it. It is illegal to modify the software in a way that it makes it yours. You must leave credit to the original writer of the software

